Thursday, December 15, 2022

New Dad, Same Bad Jokes: A Dad Joke a Day for That First Sleepless Year

 New Dad, Same Bad Jokes: A Dad Joke a Day for That First Sleepless Year

Calling new dads! Cackle and eye-roll your way through baby’s first year with 365 hilariously horrible dad jokes for parents who have no idea what they’re in for. Classically corny plus new cringe, these jokes help first-time dads take a load off, tickle their loved ones, and give baby their first giggly groan. New Dad, Same Bad Jokes won’t make it easier to be a new parent, but it will soften the blow with some hearty LOLs, new-dad tips, and prompts to document the messy, endearing, and hilarious moments of first-time fatherhood. While baby might still be little, this dad joke book is full-groan!

Inside, Dad will find:

A joke a day for baby’s first year! Baby jokes and a whole lot more. 365 classic puns, one-liners, and Q&As to give you a zing when that coffee won’t quite cut it.

Hilariously useful Dad Hacks. Stop pee mid-air? Wrap baby like a burrito? Help mom eat one-handed? Tips you didn’t know you needed to survive year one.

Space to record early memories of baby. Prompts to jot down the sweet, the silly, the stinky as baby grows from swaddled to swindler.

This joke book is a great gift for any new father. The jokes are a variety of puns and one liners that will get a good chuckle out of people. The hacks sprinkled throughout the book are helpful tips for new fathers and help solve some annoying issues. Highly recommended for any new father in your life.

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